Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sorrowful and Sad occasion, Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Ali(A.S.)

ali1jjjbl7.jpg picture by shehnaz_2007

Atham Allah ajoorna wa ajoorkum

عظم الله أجورنا وأجوركم

Title:Amir al-Muminin, Al-Murtaza
Designation:1st Imam
Kunyat:Abul Hasan, Abul Hasnayn
Father:Abu Talib
Mother:Fatema Bint-e-Asad
Born:13th Rajab (600 AD)
Died:21st Ramadhan, 40 AH (661 AD)
Martyred:Poisonous Sword by Ibne Muljim (May the curse of Allah and his creatures befall on him)
Buried:Najaf, Iraq

As he performed his Salaat in the Masjid of Kufa, the first Imam and true successor of the Prophet was hit with a poison laced sword by the wicked and immoral enemy of Allah, Ibne Muljim (may Allah deprive him of His blessings and mercy).

On this Sorrowful and Sad occasion occasion of the Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Ali(A.S.) we extend our Heartfelt Condolences and Grief to the Muslim Ummah

The Night of 19th Mahe Ramadhan is the night of Lilatul Qadr and Shabe Zarbat of our First Imam Ali a.s .

The night of 19 Ramadhan 40 A.H. marked the beginning of one of the greatest losses to humanity. A man who had given everything to others, who had been oppressed but never thought of revenge, who forgave his enemies, who helped the weak and fathered the orphans was preparing to meet his Lord. On this night, a wicked and impure man was going to besmear his hands with the blood of the Commander of the Faithful so that it might serve as a dowry for a wicked and impure woman.

It was a terrible night. The Imam (AS) was awake. He remembered his childhood which was spent under the shade of the Holy Prophet, the night of Migration when he slept on the bed of the Prophet, the battles in which he defended the Prophet, the times when the Prophet embraced him declaring: “ This is my brother.” He remembered the night when the Prophet came to his house while he was asleep. Fatima (AS) wanted to awaken him but the Prophet said: “Let him sleep because after me, he will be deprived of sleep for a long time.”

When it was dawn, Imam Ali (AS) proceeded to the mosque slowly. He stopped at the gate for a short while and looked at the mourning ducks. Imam arrived at the mosque and prostrated himself before Almighty Allah (SWT). At that time, ibne Muljim (May the curse of Allah and all his creatures befall him) dealt such a blow on his head, everything in this world became heartbroken except the face of Ali who cried out: “By the Lord of the Kabah, I have been successful!” People started attacking ibne Muljim and captured him. When he was brought in front of the Commander of the Faithful, he said: “Give him good food and a soft bed.”

The Imam recommended to all his children and close ones to be kind to neighbours, care for the needy, to have good relations amongst themselves, to observe simplicity and justice at all times.

Shahadat of the Commander of the Faithful, our first Imam, Imam Ali (A.S.)

The night, which is better than one thousand months (83 years) is marked not in joy and happiness – rather in grief and tears. A night in which the ‘destinies’ of all are written and recorded is not one in which we focus only on our own material and spiritual needs, rather, one in which we direct all of our attention to our master in recalling the greatest crime which was perpetrated. This sacred night of the 21st of the Month of Ramadhan is a night engulfed in grief and misery over the injustices perpetrated against the greatest worshipper and servant of Allah after the Noble Messenger.

After suffering for two long and painful days from the severe blow of the sword of ‘Abdul-Rahman’ Ibne Muljim, the lion of Allah and the brother of the Prophet left this mortal world, returning back to His Creator. The man born in the House of Allah (the Masjid in Makkah) was killed in the House of Allah (the Masjid in Kufah) only to be buried in the House of Allah (the Masjid in Najaf).

Regarding divine right of Imam Ali(A.S.) the Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.) declared: Whomsoever I have authority over, Ali(A.S.) has also authority over him, O Allah! befriend whoever befriend him and be hostile to whosoever is hostile to him.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) said to Imam Ali (A.S.) about what would happen to him in the month of Ramadhan: "‘...O' Ali, I weep for what they will do with you in this month. As if I am with you, and you are offering prayers to your Lord, when the worst of the foregone, and those who are yet to come, a brother of the person who slew the camel of Samood has come and gives you a (sword) blow on your head, which reddens your beard….O' Ali (A.S.) whoever kills you has killed me; whoever bears enmity to you is my enemy; whoever abuses you has abused me; because, indeed you are to me like my own self; your soul is from my soul; your nature is from my nature; Indeed Allah the Holiest and the Greatest, created me and you too; He chose me and you too; He selected me for Prophethood and selected you for Imamat; whoever denies your Imamat, has denied my Prophethood."

The late Shaheed Mutahhari sums up the life of this great personality in the following glowing tribute that, “One of the manifestations of `Ali's completeness and his being a perfect individual was that, when it was called for, he faced the various factions and deviations and fought against all of them. Sometimes we see him on the scene, fighting with those who were devoted to money or to this world, and sometimes too on the scene fighting with professional politicians of the most hypocritical type, and sometimes with ignorant and deviationist men of false piety.”

The night, which is better than one thousand months (83 years) is marked not in joy and happiness – rather in grief and tears. A night in which the ‘destinies’ of all are written and recorded is not one in which we focus only on our own material and spiritual needs, rather, one in which we direct all of our attention to our master in recalling the greatest crime which was perpetrated. This sacred night of the 21st of the Month of Ramadhan is a night engulfed in grief and misery over the injustices perpetrated against the greatest worshipper and servant of Allah after the Noble Messenger.

After suffering for two long and painful days from the severe blow of the sword of ‘Abdul-Rahman’ Ibne Muljim, the lion of Allah and the brother of the Prophet left this mortal world, returning back to His Creator. The man born in the House of Allah (the Masjid in Makkah) was killed in the House of Allah (the Masjid in Kufah) only to be buried in the House of Allah (the Masjid in Najaf).

Regarding divine right of Imam Ali(A.S.) the Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.) declared:
Whomsoever I have authority over,Ali(A.S.) has also authority over him, O Allah! befriend whoever befriend him and be hostile to whosoever is hostile to him.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) said to Imam Ali (A.S.) about what would happen to him in the month of Ramadhan: "‘...O' Ali, I weep for what they will do with you in this month. As if I am with you, and you are offering prayers to your Lord, when the worst of the foregone, and those who are yet to come, a brother of the person who slew the camel of Samood has come and gives you a (sword) blow on your head, which reddens your beard….O' Ali (A.S.) whoever kills you has killed me; whoever bears enmity to you is my enemy; whoever abuses you has abused me; because, indeed you are to me like my own self; your soul is from my soul; your nature is from my nature; Indeed Allah the Holiest and the Greatest, created me and you too; He chose me and you too; He selected me for Prophethood and selected you for Imamat; whoever denies your Imamat, has denied my Prophethood."

This Auspicious Occasion also coincides with the of Laylatul Qadr (19th, 21st and 23rd).

We pray to Allah (S.W.T) to grant forgiveness, salvation, deliverence, dignity and prosperity to all the Muslims in the world. Ameen.

Click here to view on the Importance of these nights

Messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)

"He is the first one to believe in Islam;
He is the most knowledgeable;
He is the most correct one in his DEEN;
He is the most certain;
He is the most patient;
He is the most forgiving and generous;
He is the bravest in heart;
He is the IMAM and the successor after me."

Source: (Ghayatol Maram P45 H51. Kanz Al-Ommal P121. Ethbat Al-Hodat V3 P633 H862. Sadough in Amali P16 H6. Bihar Al-Anwar V38 P90 H1. Helyato Abrar V1 P235.)

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